Shoppers Weekly Flyer (22 - 28 Dec. 2023) - Discounts in Canada

Latest Flyer Is From Friday December 22 to Thursday December 28 2023.


Save some dollars on new Shoppers flyer valid from Dec. 07 to Jan. 01 . This flyer is full of good prices and special offers. Save your hardly earned money with special offers from Shoppers flyers and invest your saved dollars in better ways than buying expensive groceries. Buy a car, go on vocation or go to expensive restaurant with your saved money.

We select the best offer from the weekly flyer


The best product from Shoppers selection is NKBO for the price 209.99 $.
Open the current weekly flyer and find more great offers where you can save.

Checkout new flyer for Shoppers which is valid from Jan. 01 In this weekly flyer you can find products like Pc AA bateries with special price $ 12.99 , Canon printer with special price $ 69.99 , NKBO with special price $ 209.99 and many others. Check great deals and flyers in theese popular stores FreshCo Giant Tiger Food Basics .

Checkout the best deals from actual flyers

Product Amount Price Discount Valid from Valid until Where to buy?
Pc AA bateries 1ks 12.99 $
Discount ended Jun. 22 Shoppers Shoppers Flyer
Canon printer 1ks 69.99 $
Discount ended Jun. 22 Shoppers Shoppers Flyer
NKBO 1ks 209.99 $
Discount ended Jun. 22 Shoppers Shoppers Flyer
Beats Studio 1ks 189.99 $
Discount ended Jun. 22 Shoppers Shoppers Flyer
Apple Airpods 1ks 179.99 $
Discount ended Jun. 22 Shoppers Shoppers Flyer

To view the original Shoppers flyer, visit their website.